Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Funday.

Hey out there! I hope everyone had a great week and are ending this weekend with some relaxation. I on the other hand slept for nearly 14 hours last night! This last week was my finals week and boy was it H-E-L-L. I slept about 4 hours each night and lived on coffee and tried my best to eat somewhat healthy - bananas and strawberries with cottage cheese for breakfast, burritos made with whole wheat tortillas, salsa, black beans, and avocado, and then luckily the bf took care of dinner for the week.

But finals are over and I can sort of relax for Spring Break. I still have a lot to do that just doesn't involve school. I am working most of the week, have some shopping to do for my boyfriend's cousin's bridal shower, two interviews (yayyy!), and I have some catching up to do on my workout routine! Here are some daily calisthenics to add a little something extra to your workout:




 But I am doing to start off my Spring Break tonight with my FAVORITE SHOW: MAD MEN. I cannot remember being this excited for any other TV show. Need a recap to? Here are some that will definitely jog your memory if you have seen it before or help you get a foundation if you are just starting to watch tonight. Season 1 & 2  --  Season 3  --  Season 4

I am definitely going to be drinking a Manhattan while watching the 2-hour premiere tonight on AMC!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Catching Up!

Whoa, it has definitely been a while! Life has been incredibly hectic and on top of that I am super sick. I cannot shake this sickness for some reason and it is coming at the worst possible time - I have 2 finals and a 10 page research paper due next week! So lets play some catch up, shall we?

My blog internship with Pierce Mattie Public Relations has been amazing! I have had some awesome pieces published. From this experience alone I have witnessed the maturation of my writing and I am loving it!
Pretty Shiny Sparkly
Fitness Tips for Marathon Training
Fitness Tops to Get the Most Out of Your Workout
Beanty Trends: Neon for Spring and Summer 2012
Ingrid & Isabel: Maternity Fashion
Spring Fashion Trends: Floral
Man-Gagement Rings
The Hunger Game Movie

I have my FIRST big girl job interview next Monday with a public relations firm that has over 80 locations worldwide! This has been a big waiting game and I am excited that I am finally starting to hear back from some of my top choices! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I made the MOST DELICIOUS goodies the other day. So good that I could only eat one and I took the rest for my sorority to enjoy! It is a brownie stuffed with a chocolate chip cookie and an Oreo. Decadent, right? Yes.

- Get jumbo size cupcake doilies and put them in a muffin pan.
- Make your favorite brownie recipe! If you are short on time you can totally use a box recipe. I used this recipe for Beantown Baker.
- Pour the batter to cover the bottom of the cupcake doily.
- Take an Oreo cookie and press it down into the batter.
- Make your favorite cookies! You could use the break off dough from the store if you are short on time. I used this recipe (with only 1 stick of butter and only semi-sweet chocolate chips) from Under the High Chair.
- Make a small ball of dough, flatten it, and stick it on top of the Oreo.
- Pour the rest of the batter over the your creation to cover the cookie dough.
- Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes (for the brownie to be gooey) or 30 minutes (for the brownie to be thoroughly cooked).

Well that is all for now! I need to focus on the end of my quarter! When I am finished with that we will talk Coachella! Fashion, camping tips, hair trends, the artists, etc!