Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Catching Up!

Whoa, it has definitely been a while! Life has been incredibly hectic and on top of that I am super sick. I cannot shake this sickness for some reason and it is coming at the worst possible time - I have 2 finals and a 10 page research paper due next week! So lets play some catch up, shall we?

My blog internship with Pierce Mattie Public Relations has been amazing! I have had some awesome pieces published. From this experience alone I have witnessed the maturation of my writing and I am loving it!
Pretty Shiny Sparkly
Fitness Tips for Marathon Training
Fitness Tops to Get the Most Out of Your Workout
Beanty Trends: Neon for Spring and Summer 2012
Ingrid & Isabel: Maternity Fashion
Spring Fashion Trends: Floral
Man-Gagement Rings
The Hunger Game Movie

I have my FIRST big girl job interview next Monday with a public relations firm that has over 80 locations worldwide! This has been a big waiting game and I am excited that I am finally starting to hear back from some of my top choices! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I made the MOST DELICIOUS goodies the other day. So good that I could only eat one and I took the rest for my sorority to enjoy! It is a brownie stuffed with a chocolate chip cookie and an Oreo. Decadent, right? Yes.

- Get jumbo size cupcake doilies and put them in a muffin pan.
- Make your favorite brownie recipe! If you are short on time you can totally use a box recipe. I used this recipe for Beantown Baker.
- Pour the batter to cover the bottom of the cupcake doily.
- Take an Oreo cookie and press it down into the batter.
- Make your favorite cookies! You could use the break off dough from the store if you are short on time. I used this recipe (with only 1 stick of butter and only semi-sweet chocolate chips) from Under the High Chair.
- Make a small ball of dough, flatten it, and stick it on top of the Oreo.
- Pour the rest of the batter over the your creation to cover the cookie dough.
- Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes (for the brownie to be gooey) or 30 minutes (for the brownie to be thoroughly cooked).

Well that is all for now! I need to focus on the end of my quarter! When I am finished with that we will talk Coachella! Fashion, camping tips, hair trends, the artists, etc!

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