Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Funday.

Hey out there! I hope everyone had a great week and are ending this weekend with some relaxation. I on the other hand slept for nearly 14 hours last night! This last week was my finals week and boy was it H-E-L-L. I slept about 4 hours each night and lived on coffee and tried my best to eat somewhat healthy - bananas and strawberries with cottage cheese for breakfast, burritos made with whole wheat tortillas, salsa, black beans, and avocado, and then luckily the bf took care of dinner for the week.

But finals are over and I can sort of relax for Spring Break. I still have a lot to do that just doesn't involve school. I am working most of the week, have some shopping to do for my boyfriend's cousin's bridal shower, two interviews (yayyy!), and I have some catching up to do on my workout routine! Here are some daily calisthenics to add a little something extra to your workout:




 But I am doing to start off my Spring Break tonight with my FAVORITE SHOW: MAD MEN. I cannot remember being this excited for any other TV show. Need a recap to? Here are some that will definitely jog your memory if you have seen it before or help you get a foundation if you are just starting to watch tonight. Season 1 & 2  --  Season 3  --  Season 4

I am definitely going to be drinking a Manhattan while watching the 2-hour premiere tonight on AMC!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Catching Up!

Whoa, it has definitely been a while! Life has been incredibly hectic and on top of that I am super sick. I cannot shake this sickness for some reason and it is coming at the worst possible time - I have 2 finals and a 10 page research paper due next week! So lets play some catch up, shall we?

My blog internship with Pierce Mattie Public Relations has been amazing! I have had some awesome pieces published. From this experience alone I have witnessed the maturation of my writing and I am loving it!
Pretty Shiny Sparkly
Fitness Tips for Marathon Training
Fitness Tops to Get the Most Out of Your Workout
Beanty Trends: Neon for Spring and Summer 2012
Ingrid & Isabel: Maternity Fashion
Spring Fashion Trends: Floral
Man-Gagement Rings
The Hunger Game Movie

I have my FIRST big girl job interview next Monday with a public relations firm that has over 80 locations worldwide! This has been a big waiting game and I am excited that I am finally starting to hear back from some of my top choices! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I made the MOST DELICIOUS goodies the other day. So good that I could only eat one and I took the rest for my sorority to enjoy! It is a brownie stuffed with a chocolate chip cookie and an Oreo. Decadent, right? Yes.

- Get jumbo size cupcake doilies and put them in a muffin pan.
- Make your favorite brownie recipe! If you are short on time you can totally use a box recipe. I used this recipe for Beantown Baker.
- Pour the batter to cover the bottom of the cupcake doily.
- Take an Oreo cookie and press it down into the batter.
- Make your favorite cookies! You could use the break off dough from the store if you are short on time. I used this recipe (with only 1 stick of butter and only semi-sweet chocolate chips) from Under the High Chair.
- Make a small ball of dough, flatten it, and stick it on top of the Oreo.
- Pour the rest of the batter over the your creation to cover the cookie dough.
- Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes (for the brownie to be gooey) or 30 minutes (for the brownie to be thoroughly cooked).

Well that is all for now! I need to focus on the end of my quarter! When I am finished with that we will talk Coachella! Fashion, camping tips, hair trends, the artists, etc!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Grammy Fashion.

If you didn't get a chance to watch The Grammys here is a recap:
- Adele stole the show! Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Best Pop Solo Performance, and Best Pop Vocal Album. And she sounded amazing after her surgery!
- Jay-Z and Kanye weren't there to accept their award for Best Rap Performance of Otis. 
- Taylor Swift actually sounded great! You can usually hear the nerves in her voice when she sings live but she sounded amazing! I love TEAM TAYLOR!!
- Skrillex won for Best Dance/Electronica Album and Best Dance Recording. Electronic music is making its way into the Grammys!
- Bon Iver won for Best New Artist...even though they aren't new?

My top 5 fashion picks:

1. Carrie Underwood in Gomez-Gracia - effortless beauty!

2. Kate Beckinsale in Zuhair Murad - look at those legs!

3. Kelly Rowland in Alberta Ferretti

4. Alicia Keys in Alexandre Vauthier

5. Rihanna in Armani Prive - loving her new look!

 What did you think of the Grammys?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl Sunday.

There are two things I love about the Superbowl: one, football season is over and I will once again regain control of my television; two, an excuse to eat!

Since the San Francisco 49ers didn't make it to the Superbowl I was completely emotionally unattached this year. Being a native Californian, having two East coast teams playing in the Superbowl was a bit underwhelming. 

However, I decided to cheer on the Patriots for a few reasons:
1. The boyfriend was cheering for them.
2. I love Gisele.
3. My Pop (my great-grandpa) passed away in 1999. An avid football fan, he would always say "When I kick off [insert rest of sentence]" instead of "kick the bucket" or some other morbid saying. Ironically, he passed away on Superbowl Sunday in 1999 when the Patriots beat the Eagles. So in memory of my Pop, Go Patriots! 

Sadly, the game was not as fun as I had hoped but I sure did enjoy the company and the food! 

Honestly, the best cookies I have ever made. You will not be disappointed! (I only used one stick of butter and only semi-sweet chocolate chips.) Recipe here, compliments of Under the Highchair.

I thought I should finally put my Crock Pot to use (it has been sitting in the box since Christmas). In honor of Superbowl Sunday I decided to make pulled pork sliders. Easy to make and incredibly delicious! (I used Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce and Hawaiian Sweet Rolls instead of making my own.) Recipe here, compliments of I Adore Food.

Delicious sliders with Kentucky beans (compliments of our amazing friends from Kentucky). 

Needless to say, I had to change into sweatpants at half-time. I hope your Superbowl was just as delicious as mine was!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Whose side are you on?

So I am sure you have heard of the recent controversy between the Susan G. Komen Foundation and Planned Parenthood. If not, here is a brief overview.

I have always been a supporter of Planned Parenthood; from early last year when congressmen and women were fighting to cut all funding to Planned Parenthood to this recent Susan G. Komen fiasco.

I can remember being in 7th grade when a representative from Planned Parenthood came to talk to my science class about safe sex. I was squirming in my seat and my whole glass was giggling at the mention of "penis" and "vagina." But I also remember feeling like I had a friend, an adult friend, who wanted me to make safe choices about my sex life.

After this whole Susan G. Komen cuts funding for Planned Parenthood news broke I was furious. How could they do such a thing? After a little research I found that part of the reason they were cutting funding is because the new Planned Parenthood Vice President for Policy, Karen Handel is very pro-life. Not only is she pro-life, but during her failed attempt to run for governor of Georgia she campaigned on a promise to defund Planned Parenthood and was endorsed by Sarah Palin (enough said). Something just didn't make sense to me. Susan G. Komen is pro-life (maybe not the organization itself but the people who make the organization's decisions are) but they are cutting funding from Planned Parenthood who gives 750,000 breast exams a year, meaning that there are going to be 750,000 women (and men?) who will may die because they were unable to receive a breast exam. Sounded a little hypocritical to me.

But I knew I had to do some more research because there is always 5 sides to a story.

After a little more research and some tweets, I found this. It is an article that talks about Americans United for Life President CharmaineYoast and her groups report "The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood" that led to Planned Parenthood being investigated by the Energy and Commerce Committee. Because of this investigation, Planned Parenthood is in violation of one of Susan G. Komen's new rules that bar funding from groups under investigation.

So it is not necessarily Karen Handel's political beliefs that are to blame, at least fully, but Charmaine Yoast has played a significant role.

After posting a link to the first news article on my Facebook page, one of my very good friends called me to talk about it. She wasn't necessarily agreeing with my point of view, but she wasn't completing challenging it either. She brought up a book, Unplanned by Abby Johnson, the former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas. My friend explained to me that Abby Johnson dispelled information about Planned Parenthood such as "they are closing all clinics that do not give abortions because abortions are their main source of revenue" and "they go into schools with a plan to turn young girls against their parents and turn to Planned Parenthood instead."

Now, like I have said, there are 5 sides to every story. This whole "they are closing clinics that do not give abortions" thing is kind of mind blowing - if it is true. According to numerous resources, only 3% of services performed by Planned Parenthood are abortion services. Maybe 3% is an under-exaggerated number and maybe Jonhnson's state is a little exaggerated. So let's meet somewhere in the middle.

In my opinion, regardless of how many abortions Planned Parenthood is performing each year it is their biggest source of revenue and they are a business and at least these abortions are being performed by professionals in a safe and sterile environment! (I have read that they are a non-profit, but I have also read that they are a for-profit, so I am just going to go with calling them a business.) In conservative's eyes, abortions are wrong so they should it is wrong that they are being given money to fund and give abortions and make money from them; but I don't see very many conservatives whining about big corporations making a ton of money from loaning people money they won't be able to pay back, thus leaving them broke and homeless.

On a side note, this is something I have never understood about conservatives. They want the government to tell people they can't get married and tell women they can't get abortions, but they don't want the government to regulate banks and businesses. It doesn't make sense to me but conservatives probably think I am crazy too.

As far as Planned Parenthood going into schools and "turning young girls away from their families" on issues about sex, I think this is completely ludicrous. One woman cannot say: I do not support Planned Parenthood because they are going to talk to my daughter at a young age and turn her away from talking to me about these issues. I understand where you are coming from, I will probably have similar feelings when I am mother. But Planned Parenthood has to take a stance on one side, and the sick reality is that many young women live in homes where sex is taboo and if they come home pregnant they will be thrown out of their house. Planned Parenthood is trying to provide a safety to those young women who have nowhere to go.

If mothers do not want Planned Parenthood to "take their innocent daughters away" then mothers need to create that safe place and safe relationship with their daughter- because if they don't, girls will go to Planned Parenthood instead of talking to their mothers. But do not blame Planned Parenthood if your daughter ends up there - reevaluate your relationship with your daughter. Does she know she can talk to you about sex? Does she have someone like a mom, such as an aunt or older cousin that she can talk to if she is uncomfortable talking to you?

Also, mothers need to think about when they were 16 and 17. Be a great mother to your daughter, and instead of hurting your relationship with her with your strict rules and absurd boundaries, relate to her because one time you were that age too.

All in all, I will support Planned Parenthood until the day I die. If they are giving more abortions because that is where they make their money, then so be it. I am pro-choice and I would rather a woman go to a physician at Planned Parenthood than shove a hanger up her vagina. You may not agree with abortions and some of the things Planned Parenthood stands for, but for some people this is they only care they receive. Women need to get breast exams, women need to have pap smears done, and women need access to birth control and family planning materials - and if they do no have adequate access to health care (a whole other issues!) then for many this is their only option.

After this investigation of Planned Parenthood is done many new facts and figures will be dispelled and we will see where many people stand then. But I am in support of safe and adequate sex education and facilities and that is what Planned Parenthood is providing.

On a final note, I have read numerous arguments about how Planned Parenthood is handling this situation is a disaster from a PR standpoint. I, on the other hand, this it is pure genius. After the some people at the federal level wanted to defund Planned Parenthood people were angry! Planned Parenthood read the feelings of their supporters and fought Washington, and WON. This time around, they are channeling that same angry audience. It worked once, why fix something that isn't broken? I predict that Susan G. Komen will reinstate their funding for Planned Parenthood by the summer.

Where do you stand?

Friday, January 27, 2012

I Love Cooking.

Oh yes, I do! Having been so busy with school, internships, and filling out applications for jobs and post-grad internships I have recently sacrificed my passion for food and cooking. Living on mac & cheese (even though I add veggies and use real cheese) and quesadillas isn’t my favorite. Can you say carb and cheese overload?

So being that my last class of the day was cancelled I decided to get my kitchen dirty – and then clean it afterwards of course. (Thanks OCD.) And boy was it delicious!

I had a ton of red and green peppers. They are always on sale at my local grocery store so I always end up buy a few every time I make a trip. So instead of cutting them up I decided to stuff them!

1. Try and find two (or however many you want to make) green or red peppers that stand on their own (I used green). If you can’t find ones that stand on their own cut the bottom of the pepper just enough to give it a flat bottom without cutting large holes in the bottom. Bake the peppers for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

2. Make a grain.  I made Israeli couscous – I like the texture and flavor more than brown rice.

3. Sauté some veggies - I sautéed onions, a red pepper, the tops of the green peppers, a zucchini, and a large onion. Instead of using oil or butter try using some Pam.

4. Then throw in some sausage. You can leave it in the casing or squeeze it out (I left it in...Lazy?). If you leave it in cut the sausage up into small pieces and add to the veggies. If you squeeze it out, work the sausage with your hands to get into smaller chunks before adding it to the veggies. I used Aidells Spinach & Feta Chicken sausage and Aidells Habanero &Chile Chicken Sausage.

5. After the veggies and sausage are cooked add your rice or couscous. (Make sure you are using a non-stick pan or the couscous will stick to the bottom and then you will have to add oil and scrape it off. Not that this happened to me or anything…)

6. Mix it up. Add some salt, pepper, parsley, thyme, and basil.

7. Overstuff the peppers with the mixture.

8. Put on a pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. You just want the pepper to get soft. (I put the peppers in a small loaf pan but you could just put them on a baking sheet.)

9. With about five minutes left sprinkle some cheese on top. I used freshly grated parmesan but mozzarella would work fine too.

10. Enjoy!

You will DEFINTELY have some mixture left over. But that is my favorite part and makes for easy leftovers!

Oh, and my latest published blog post on the new Aura by Swarovski perfume!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Getting Ready in a Hurry!

So like I have said in my last posts: I have been incredibly busy! I haven't been able to wear sweats and a pony either since I am working at my internship everyday. So I just wanted to share with you how I manage to get ready fast (and still look cute!)

First of all, I have been taking showers at night to give myself more time in the morning. So to make my bed head presentable I have my go-to styles:

1. The Bombshell Rod Curling Iron by Sultra:
 It cuts my hair time down by about half! It it uh-mazing! Spritz with a little Bumble and Bumble Spray de Mode for a playful finish!

2. The Bun! Now, I have really thin hair so my buns have always looked weird...until I came upon the Running on Happiness blog and saw her bun tutorial. Give it a try!

Then there is the makeup! I don't usually wear a lot of makeup (being a student who rolls out of bed 10 minutes before class) but being in a professional environment I have found some key items!
1. Laura Mercier Foundation Primer
This does AMAZING things for my skin. I feel like I am putting a shield on my face before I put anything else on. It is soft, fresh, and blends easily.
2. Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer  
If you are not a fan of cake-y foundation, definitely give this a shot! It comes in a ton of colors and will easily blend with your skin. It will give your skin a beautiful glow :)

3. Hourglass Aura Sheer Cheek Stain: Flush
Just dab a little of this on your fingertips and blend along your cheek bone to give your skin some fresh color! A little bit goes LONG WAY!

A few other things I never leave the house without applying (and have been my favorites for a few years) are:
1. Maybelline Lash Stilleto
2. MAC Select Coverup
3. MAC Lipstick in Angel

My go-to outfit for the last couple weeks has been either skinny jeans (I recently purchased a new pair of Hudsons that are so comfortable I could sleep in them!), skirts and tights, or leggings (I have a thick pair of Paige leggings that are to die for! Pockets and everything); a pair of heeled boots or flat boots; a basic v-neck long sleeve or short sleeve; one of my many cardigans; and then top it off with a circle scarf, necklace, and a watch.

On another note, here are a few more of my blog posts that have been published:
Amy Zerner JewelryAmana Furniture, SAHA Swimwear, and Wedding Hairstyles.

Until next time! xx