Monday, November 21, 2011

And the Lockout Continues.

I have been subjected to football every Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday for too long. And before that I was subjected to baseball. Everyday. I JUST WANT THE NBA LOCKOUT TO END. Is that too much for a girl to ask? I can watch basketball. I know basketball. I know teams. I know names of players. And I actually enjoy watching basketball. It is fast paced and I can actually see the player's faces. But with this never-ending lockout, I will continue to dread watching football. I am such a good girlfriend.

I am pleased that while this lockout is going on the players have gotten together to put on charity events. I mean, why not? They love playing basketball, so why not do what you love for a good cause? So my boyfriend, Alex, and our two friends got some upper-level tickets to the charity game at UC Davis. The Goon Squad Classic! However, we did end up sneaking down to the middle-level for better viewing purposes.

Julie, me, Drew, & Alex

Most of the players were from the Sacramento Kings which was fine by me as I am a HUGE Kings fan. I bleed purple and white, as they say in the sports world. Matt Barnes, a Sacramento native, was playing. However, he now plays for the Los Angeles Lakers so he is definitely not on my cool list. Traitor. 

Julie and Drew are our friends from Kentucky and both went to University of Kentucky. Lucky for them, DeMarcus Cousins, who played for UK, now plays for the Kings. John Wall was also in attendance at the Goon Squad Classic but sat on the bench the whole time even with cries from the stands for him to play. #2coolforschool.

Jimmer is my new love. He is a rookie on the Kings this year and captured my heart when he did "the jerk" tonight at half-time. 

The score ended up being something like 150 to 160. There was no defense played but the players made it enjoyable with their drunks and three-pointers.

It was a great little double date, but now I am even more anxious for the REAL SEASON. If it every gets here. 

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