Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sparkles and Fur.

Holiday season is in the air.  Tomorrow is the last day of November and then my favorite/ the most hectic month of the year begins.  December 7th is Alex's birthday, December 12th is my birthday, December 20th is my friend Alex's birthday, Christmas is December 25th, and New Years Eve is December 31st (just in case you forgot when Christmas and New Years is...).

Not only does that mean a lot of gifts but is also means a lot of dresses and outfits. And since my birthday is rarely celebrated with one event I usually need multiple birthday outfits and/ or dresses.

I have been itching for a faux-fur something for a while and stumbled on this great find (on sale at urban!):

I have been all over pinterest and polyvore trying to figure out how to wear this. As soon as I figure it out I will post some pictures! 

Additionally, I am going through a sparkle phase.  Maybe I have just missed the holidays? I did just put christmas lights in my living room and bedroom... Anyways, I am hoping to find a sequin dress for New Years! Maybe something like this:

I am also in search of a sequin skirt! My only issue with sequin clothing items is that sometimes they can be thick and frumpy.  I am not stick skinny and I am also on the short side so I cannot wear bulky things.  The sequin clothing item needs to be delicate and the liner needs to be thin. 

On another note, I was watching Gossip Girl today (I cannot believe the season finale is already next week!) and I became obsessed with the picture in Serena's room.  Apparently it is a towel, but they somehow turned it into a canvas. I have been searching everywhere for this towel but have had NO LUCK. I will not give up. 

Part of the reason I wrote this post is because I am procrastinating writing an article for my Journalism class on relationships.  Sounds easy, right?  It is so easy that it is hard.  But I need to finish because tomorrow is going to be a LONG day with my second cross-fit class at 8am. Before and after pictures to come after the after picture is taken ;)

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