Friday, January 27, 2012

I Love Cooking.

Oh yes, I do! Having been so busy with school, internships, and filling out applications for jobs and post-grad internships I have recently sacrificed my passion for food and cooking. Living on mac & cheese (even though I add veggies and use real cheese) and quesadillas isn’t my favorite. Can you say carb and cheese overload?

So being that my last class of the day was cancelled I decided to get my kitchen dirty – and then clean it afterwards of course. (Thanks OCD.) And boy was it delicious!

I had a ton of red and green peppers. They are always on sale at my local grocery store so I always end up buy a few every time I make a trip. So instead of cutting them up I decided to stuff them!

1. Try and find two (or however many you want to make) green or red peppers that stand on their own (I used green). If you can’t find ones that stand on their own cut the bottom of the pepper just enough to give it a flat bottom without cutting large holes in the bottom. Bake the peppers for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

2. Make a grain.  I made Israeli couscous – I like the texture and flavor more than brown rice.

3. Sauté some veggies - I sautéed onions, a red pepper, the tops of the green peppers, a zucchini, and a large onion. Instead of using oil or butter try using some Pam.

4. Then throw in some sausage. You can leave it in the casing or squeeze it out (I left it in...Lazy?). If you leave it in cut the sausage up into small pieces and add to the veggies. If you squeeze it out, work the sausage with your hands to get into smaller chunks before adding it to the veggies. I used Aidells Spinach & Feta Chicken sausage and Aidells Habanero &Chile Chicken Sausage.

5. After the veggies and sausage are cooked add your rice or couscous. (Make sure you are using a non-stick pan or the couscous will stick to the bottom and then you will have to add oil and scrape it off. Not that this happened to me or anything…)

6. Mix it up. Add some salt, pepper, parsley, thyme, and basil.

7. Overstuff the peppers with the mixture.

8. Put on a pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. You just want the pepper to get soft. (I put the peppers in a small loaf pan but you could just put them on a baking sheet.)

9. With about five minutes left sprinkle some cheese on top. I used freshly grated parmesan but mozzarella would work fine too.

10. Enjoy!

You will DEFINTELY have some mixture left over. But that is my favorite part and makes for easy leftovers!

Oh, and my latest published blog post on the new Aura by Swarovski perfume!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Getting Ready in a Hurry!

So like I have said in my last posts: I have been incredibly busy! I haven't been able to wear sweats and a pony either since I am working at my internship everyday. So I just wanted to share with you how I manage to get ready fast (and still look cute!)

First of all, I have been taking showers at night to give myself more time in the morning. So to make my bed head presentable I have my go-to styles:

1. The Bombshell Rod Curling Iron by Sultra:
 It cuts my hair time down by about half! It it uh-mazing! Spritz with a little Bumble and Bumble Spray de Mode for a playful finish!

2. The Bun! Now, I have really thin hair so my buns have always looked weird...until I came upon the Running on Happiness blog and saw her bun tutorial. Give it a try!

Then there is the makeup! I don't usually wear a lot of makeup (being a student who rolls out of bed 10 minutes before class) but being in a professional environment I have found some key items!
1. Laura Mercier Foundation Primer
This does AMAZING things for my skin. I feel like I am putting a shield on my face before I put anything else on. It is soft, fresh, and blends easily.
2. Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer  
If you are not a fan of cake-y foundation, definitely give this a shot! It comes in a ton of colors and will easily blend with your skin. It will give your skin a beautiful glow :)

3. Hourglass Aura Sheer Cheek Stain: Flush
Just dab a little of this on your fingertips and blend along your cheek bone to give your skin some fresh color! A little bit goes LONG WAY!

A few other things I never leave the house without applying (and have been my favorites for a few years) are:
1. Maybelline Lash Stilleto
2. MAC Select Coverup
3. MAC Lipstick in Angel

My go-to outfit for the last couple weeks has been either skinny jeans (I recently purchased a new pair of Hudsons that are so comfortable I could sleep in them!), skirts and tights, or leggings (I have a thick pair of Paige leggings that are to die for! Pockets and everything); a pair of heeled boots or flat boots; a basic v-neck long sleeve or short sleeve; one of my many cardigans; and then top it off with a circle scarf, necklace, and a watch.

On another note, here are a few more of my blog posts that have been published:
Amy Zerner JewelryAmana Furniture, SAHA Swimwear, and Wedding Hairstyles.

Until next time! xx

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Working hard.

Goodness gracious I have been so busy! But GREAT news, two of my posts got published! One about Lee Angel Jewelry and the other about personal trainers.

This is such an amazing opportunity. I get to do what I love: blog. I get to work on something that can always be improved: my writing. And I get to add this to my resume to (hopefully) make me more competitive on the job market come June.

Two of my post graduate internship apps are due in the next few weeks so I have been working hard to perfect them and hopefully land a job! The fact that I do not know where I will be living or working in 5 months from now is CRAZY. It stresses me out! But everything will work out, it always does!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Music to get you through the day.

Hi! Sorry I have been so MIA lately! With school starting, my internship (20 hours a week), and my new internship (I am writing 5 blog posts a week for a PR firm...I will let you know when they get published!) I am overwhelmed with life!

But with the Coachella lineup out all I can think about is music lately. Time to start my Coachella outfit shopping!

Music is what is getting me through my 12 hours days (along with a strong cup of coffee!) lately. Here are some songs I have been listening to on repeat:

1. Take Over Control by Afrojack
2. Sofi Needs a Ladder by Deadmau5
3. Everything Before by Deadmau5
4. Niggas in Paris by Jay-Z and Kanye
5. Midnight City by M83
6. Mr. DJ by Phive
7. With Your Friends by Skrillex
8. Save the World by Swedish House Mafia
9. Mind Eraser by The Black Keys
10. All This and Heave Too by Florence

Have a great weekend :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My LAST Winter Break.

I am getting old. I am having a hard time believing that tomorrow will be my last day of my last winter break. EVER. The cover letters and post-grad internship applications seem never ending. I am having such a difficult time committing to sitting down and getting them done. I am in denial I think. Denial that I am actually graduating in June and will be a real person in the real world. The good news: once I get the cover letters done I will be able to apply to a bunch of public relations firms, as most only ask for a resume and cover letter. But a few of the firms have (paid) executive training internships that require multiple short essays and writing samples. And after this weekend my life will once again become very hectic. So I really need to work on my time-management skills. These applications should come before The Bachelor. Maybe I can multi-task?

A month ago I was under the impression that my last winter and spring quarters at UC Davis would be a breeze. Winter quarter I only need 12 units (most of my classes are 4 units each) and Spring only calls for 9 units (or 12 if I want to be full-time); my positions on campus and in Delta Gamma were over; and I had vowed to take some "me" time and focus on school and fun for the last 6 months. I must have been crazy. There is NO way that would have ever happened. I go crazy when I don't have 5 things going on at once. So as the quarter starts on Monday I am enrolled in a Gender & Law, Juvenile Delinquency, and a 2-hour a week internship class; I am currently a marketing intern at Technology Sciences Group in Davis where I will be working 20 hours a week; and now I am a social media intern for Pierce Mattie Public Relations which requires me to write 5 blog entries (for their firm) a week (I will try to not let it take away from Crushworthy too much!). So that whole thing about taking "me" time...Ya, not gonna happen. But honestly, I am the most happy when I am busy (and when I have gotten sleep).

These next 6 months have so much in store for me! I have 2 internships, I am going to Coachella in April, boyfriend and I will be going back to UCSB (his almamater) for alumni weekend, and we are planning a trip to Italy in May with his family; and I will hopefully find out a few of the PR firms want to hire me as an intern (maybe even as a full time employee?). Bust most importantly, I will be graduating from UC Davis.

While all this is going on I need to continue to make time to work out and eat healthy! A few bits of advice (that I need to follow as well):
1. Just wake up and go! You will feel worse if you sleep more and don't get a chance to work out.
2. If you don't get the chance to work out in the morning make sure you have time to work out in the evening.
3. Even if you only work out for 30 minutes a day, DO IT!
4. Find a work out buddy to hold you accountable. Thanks, boyfriend!
5. Make more food than you will eat so you have leftovers for the days you don't have time to cook.
6. Plan your meals and shop accordingly! If you have all of the ingredients you will be less likely to go out.
7. Set dinner/date nights with friends, roommates, or loved ones to encourage eating in.
8. Don't deprive yourself. But have self-control.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ringing in the New Year with the Best.

I hope everyone had a fabulous New Year! I don't know about you guys but I had the hardest time finding something to wear. The mall had nothing that caught my eye and everything I ordered online was either too bulky or looked cheap and ugly. I had finally decided on a simple little black dress when I came across the most beautiful purple jumpsuit. And now I have a new favorite brand: Bar III. It is Macy's store brand and their young, fresh and fashionable line. My boyfriend loves the suits and I didn't realize they had women's clothes until I was walking through the store. I fell in LOVE! (Sorry, I forgot to take a full body picture of the jumpsuit!)

 Boyfriend and I before heading into the New Years Eve Party at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco.

My friend Alex and I before going into the party.

Midnight kiss :)

This New Year has already started off great! My marketing internship is continuing for the next six months and I recently got hired as a social media intern for a HUGE public relations firm where I will be writing blog posts. More to come later!

Unfortunately, I also got a call from my doctor telling me that my blood results showed high cholesterol. One more reason for me to get in shape and start eating healthier! I am going to sign up for the Davis Stampede 10k for February 5th and the Napa Valley Silverado Half Marathon in Napa Valley in April! Time to get in shape and get that cholesterol down :)

And the BEST NEWS OF ALL: THE BACHELOR STARTED YESTERDAY. I have a sick obsessed with reality tv but especially with The Bachelor. I already have my favorites and my spreadsheet. I will talk about it some more once we weed out the boring ones!