Saturday, January 7, 2012

My LAST Winter Break.

I am getting old. I am having a hard time believing that tomorrow will be my last day of my last winter break. EVER. The cover letters and post-grad internship applications seem never ending. I am having such a difficult time committing to sitting down and getting them done. I am in denial I think. Denial that I am actually graduating in June and will be a real person in the real world. The good news: once I get the cover letters done I will be able to apply to a bunch of public relations firms, as most only ask for a resume and cover letter. But a few of the firms have (paid) executive training internships that require multiple short essays and writing samples. And after this weekend my life will once again become very hectic. So I really need to work on my time-management skills. These applications should come before The Bachelor. Maybe I can multi-task?

A month ago I was under the impression that my last winter and spring quarters at UC Davis would be a breeze. Winter quarter I only need 12 units (most of my classes are 4 units each) and Spring only calls for 9 units (or 12 if I want to be full-time); my positions on campus and in Delta Gamma were over; and I had vowed to take some "me" time and focus on school and fun for the last 6 months. I must have been crazy. There is NO way that would have ever happened. I go crazy when I don't have 5 things going on at once. So as the quarter starts on Monday I am enrolled in a Gender & Law, Juvenile Delinquency, and a 2-hour a week internship class; I am currently a marketing intern at Technology Sciences Group in Davis where I will be working 20 hours a week; and now I am a social media intern for Pierce Mattie Public Relations which requires me to write 5 blog entries (for their firm) a week (I will try to not let it take away from Crushworthy too much!). So that whole thing about taking "me" time...Ya, not gonna happen. But honestly, I am the most happy when I am busy (and when I have gotten sleep).

These next 6 months have so much in store for me! I have 2 internships, I am going to Coachella in April, boyfriend and I will be going back to UCSB (his almamater) for alumni weekend, and we are planning a trip to Italy in May with his family; and I will hopefully find out a few of the PR firms want to hire me as an intern (maybe even as a full time employee?). Bust most importantly, I will be graduating from UC Davis.

While all this is going on I need to continue to make time to work out and eat healthy! A few bits of advice (that I need to follow as well):
1. Just wake up and go! You will feel worse if you sleep more and don't get a chance to work out.
2. If you don't get the chance to work out in the morning make sure you have time to work out in the evening.
3. Even if you only work out for 30 minutes a day, DO IT!
4. Find a work out buddy to hold you accountable. Thanks, boyfriend!
5. Make more food than you will eat so you have leftovers for the days you don't have time to cook.
6. Plan your meals and shop accordingly! If you have all of the ingredients you will be less likely to go out.
7. Set dinner/date nights with friends, roommates, or loved ones to encourage eating in.
8. Don't deprive yourself. But have self-control.


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