Monday, December 5, 2011

Love is Strong.

Hey all, sorry I haven't posted lately but I have been studying, and writing papers, like a crazy person for finals. But I just wanted to share two things with you that have caught my attention, aka distracted me from studying this week. 

This video had gone viral! It is allll over the place. It is about a boy who started eight grade this year. He was scared and had attempted suicide many times and even shows his scars to the world. He has been bullied since first grade for being gay. This is absolutely ridiculous. Where were the teachers, the principal, and recess attendants when all of this was going on? But most importantly, where were the parents of the students who were doing the bullying? Children are a reflection of their parents.  This should never, ever happen. Ever child should be taught to love, no matter how different someone is. I hope and pray that Jonah is doing better today and has learned to accept himself as a beautiful human being. From a young age I was taught to love and accept everyone regardless of skin color, gender, or sexuality. My mother exposed me to many types of people so that I would learn the to accept and appreciate the differences people in this world have. And I am so thankful she did this. This kind of bullying and hatred makes me sick. So 8th grader should ever wish to die because of the bullying that is taking place because he is different. The issue of bullying needs to be addressed and taken care of, not only at school but at home. Parents need to take responsibility for their children and their children's actions and mold them into contributing, loving members of society. 

Check out the link above. Each and every picture gave me the chills.

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