Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Catching up on LIFE.

Is this what life is? Not living in the library for 15 hours a day? Not living off coffee and sandwiches from Zia's and Nugget? I'm not quite sure which life I like more. Since school has ended I have found myself completely unmotivated to do absolutely anything. Which is not good considering I have a million things I should be doing.

I recently started CrossFit at their Davis location and fell in love. I have never done so many squats or felt so sore. However, after my 6-intro sessions I found lost the motivation to get up at 7am and get my butt there. While procrastinating for finals I made myself a workout schedule for break: 3x a week @ Crossfit, 2x a week @ yoga, and 1x a week @ running. Today is only my second day of break so I guess I haven't slacked off that much. But I really should get up and do something. 

My birthday was yesterday so I have spent the last 3 days celebrating with my friends and family. Thank you to everyone who made my birthday so special :)

Everyone at Hot Italian for my birthday dinner

Lauren, Brittani, Me, and Shiko

Alex and I

I updated my Favorites page. Be sure to check it out! I had my nails done and had the OPI gel put on instead of just the polish. I might be obsessed. It is supposed to last for 3 weeks so we will see how it goes. 

I just started my new internship for an environmental consulting firm here in Davis as the marketing intern. I am so excited for this opportunity to learn more about the field and make my resume even stronger. It will be nice to add to my resume as I am getting ready to graduate from college and find a job in the real work. 

But as of now, my break is filled with work, blogging, and hopefully some working out. My best friend, Michelle, got be a spa package for my birthday so I need to make sure to take a break and treat myself. 

This is a busy, stressful season. We need to remember what makes us happy. Ya, we hate those long lines, crowded malls and our long lists of Christmas presents, but remember why you do it :)

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