Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays.

I hope everyone had a great Holiday! I unfortunately was incredibly sick and could not taste any of that delicious Christmas food. It was seriously the worst timing! DayQuil helped me through Christmas Eve and then I was only able to make it to one family get together on Christmas Day! Fortunately, I have the BEST boyfriend in the whole world who ordered Chinese food and rented 5 Redbox movies for us to keep us occupied for the day. I did manage to sleep for most of the day but from what I remember Horrible Bosses and The Devil's Double were both great movies!

I did end up with some amazing presents though. Some of the highlights: My Mom and brother gave me starbucks giftcards (technically one for me and one for the boyfriend...but I took both. I'm a addict) and a GORGEOUS coat! Pics to come soon because it is definitely a new staple! The boyfriend's parents gave me these stress remedy drops (I'll let you know how they work! They swear by them) a gorgeous scarf, and then gave both the boyfriend and I gift certificates for trips with them for wine tasting and snowmobiling. Now, if the snow would only fall... Then the amazing boyfriend did a great job with gifts! He got me a crock-pot (us gift? recipes to come!), much needed new make-up brushes, a "mophie" which is a compact portable charging station for your iPhone, and a gorgeous Michael Kors iPhone wristlet which will be perfect for New Years! Not to mention, the boyfriend and I scored some martini glasses at his family's Christmas Ever white elephant exchange! I am definitely blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life :)

I am finally starting to feel better today and am just suffering from minor congestion issues. Good thing I have this whole week off from work so I have the time to relax and take care of myself.

Congratulations to the boyfriend's cousin who just engaged! And congratulations to one of his fraternity brothers who also just got engaged! I love weddings! My Pinterest wedding board says it all :) Where's my ring? (Just kidding...kinda.)

Here are some pics from the last couple days!

An amazing family that treats me like their own. Love you guys!


Our NEW seats. NOT surrounded by Laker fans. GO KINGS!

Take that, Lakers! #KINGSALLDAY

Italian Meatballs. Nice chunks of garlic and parsley!

The Sauce.

The final product :)

After having these at a friends house I was hooked. So I made some for the boyfriend. These meatballs are amazing! We had a spaghetti squash so we did half spaghetti squash and half whole-wheat spaghetti noodles. It also calls for ground turkey! A+ in my book! Recipe here

Time to work on some post-graduate internship applications and hit yoga later! 

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