Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Years Resolutions.

We make these resolutions every year, right? How many of us actually follow through with them? Well one of my my resolutions is to follow through my resolutions this year. I will be making monthly check-ins with myself (and on here) to make sure I am following through. So hold me to it!

1. Follow through with my resolutions.
2. Love a little more. I have been so caught up in school, Delta Gamma, and working that I have forgotten to give some love to those people who have supported me through it all such as my wonderful boyfriend, my Mom, my brother and my two other families.
3. Fill out as many paid, post-grad internship applications as possible. Let's shoot for at least 10!
4. Stop shopping. I have a horrible addiction that has picked up within the last couple months. I am planning on going to France in May, I am graduating in June, I may be moving to the East coast, and hopefully a wedding will be taking place within the next few years. I need to start saving!
5. Take care of myself. This includes working out and eating healthy. To help save money I need to stop getting Starbucks everyday and start eating and cooking at home more.
6. Live up my last 6 months in college. College only happens once and I will only be a Delta Gamma collegian once in my life. Let's make these last 6 months memorable.
7. Reconnect with old and new friends. I have so many amazing friends and I need to make sure they know how much I care about them and appreciate their friendship.
8. Find ways to re-invent my closet. To go off of #4, I have decided to challenge myself and find ways to get creative with my closet. Pictures will be posted :)
9. Lighten up a bit. I have been known to be a bit of a stress-case but with a lighter load for the next two quarters I have an opportunity to focus a little more on life instead of just school. Let's try and make it a little more stress-free as well, eh?
10. Work on my relationship. I love the boyfriend with all my heart and he deserves the best. We already have pretty good communication skills but there is always room for improvement. If we want to be happy with each other for the rest of our lives then now is the time to make sure we have a strong foundation.

What are yours?

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